More than 65% of the population still resides in the rural areas spread across more than 6 lakh villages. The 73rd Amendment in the year 1993, provided an institutional arrangement through setting-up of Panchayat Raj Institutions (PRIs) for managing this huge landscape with diverse and local needs through decentralization of Administration, Fiscal and Political Representation.
Gaming Industry

The Challenge

With its existence over 30 Years, PRIs have achieved many objectives with the extent of decentralization varying across States. However, as much as the positive changes it has been able to bring relative to where it started, PRIs have a long way to go in realization of its true objectives of Local Self-Governance.

The rural landscape comes with a complex web of challenges that hinder socio-economic development and often these are cyclic in nature.

Institutional Capacity – On Ground, Supporting Policies, Lack of Devolution among others. Lack of Source of Revenue generating capacity of Panchayats limiting their capacity on undertaking development and over reliance on Central-State Government Funds. Lack of Awareness coupled with Prevailing Social Structures contribute significantly to limiting the access and empowerment to the underprivileged. Lack of Holistic Digital Systems to efficiently manage and provide platform for Citizens to Participate in Local Governance, Avail Services and enable access to information that can help them to make the Panchayat Accountable.

The Solution

A holistic platform to strengthen, digitize & centralize all key functions and operations of Panchayats, especially Grama Panchayats (Village Council) while ensuring appropriate linkages and integrations with other Applications and Databases to ensure a one platform for end-end operations, governance, citizen participation and public scrutiny.

The Impact

Enhance Impact & Reach of Schemes, Benefits, Interventions & Support

Strengthen & Capacitates Grama Panchayats through access to Information, Guidelines, Capacity Building, System approach to planning & operations

Increase in Participation of People, Underprivileged & Women in local planning and decision making

Track, Measure, Transparent Process of Operations of Panchayats making it more efficient, complaint and accountable

Increase in Own Source of Revenue of Panchayats leading to increase spending in local socio-economic development